Collection: Lord Ganesha

Lord Ganesha’s murti is celebrated when something new begins.

Unique Ganpati Idols By Shriprashadam In addition to this, you will get Bal Ganesha on Mushak, Modac Ganesha, Dancing Ganesha, Lord Ganesh as a doctor, and so on stuff that you will love to bring home. Gift one of Lord Ganesha's idols online to your family or friends on different celebrations as it is considered as auspicious.

The most widely worshipped Ganesha is the god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune and is known as Ganapati in many parts of society. Ganesha, also known as Ganpati, Vinayak is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and Vighnaharta.

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    Relation Between Ganpati and Gauri

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